Wednesday, November 23, 2011

The new religion isn't very practical

Greenlabor have saved the world by having a carbon tax. Now they will save our biggest river system with 4 numbers. 2075?
Life is hard enough without someone chanting sacred words and numbers that have no proven practical effect on the ground. If the worriers can't define what they want by flushing and an "environmental flow" they aren't talking big picture and big picture practical.

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Blogger Little John said...

Now that the Greenlabor gods have saved the world by modelling price of carbon ,they move on the States to control water use--Murray darling plan. I thought they's saved us by building desal plants. Anyone serious about solving problems starts from the bottom - fulla bull

2:26 PM  
Blogger journeymanj said...

If the 1 dimensional greens did some decent numbers ( flood routing curves critical for critical events study) they would realise that legal man made dams make little difference in large flood events. As for "salt flushing" they don't accept that salt has a place too, so why bother talking to their monocultural view of natural waters.

8:52 PM  
Blogger journeymanj said...

Spoke to farm advocate on the river yesterday. MDPlan has no wheels because farmers know what the kindergarten class who wrote the document DON"T know . What an environmental flow actually is ( that's in time and space not in numbers on a page!) You heard it first on blogger

4:26 PM  

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