Finding that place of rest
I know that the really big thing that drives too many to distraction is a sense of restlessness . And however men want to cover this with a veneer of I'm Ok and I know, the denial of the place of spiritual rest is the annoying huge sore that stands out on everyone's feet .As akey driver its not always painful but as JUNG said , its what annoys us that drives us .
(I will cover why my comfort is enough for me later as all the talk of home, the boundaries , the chooks and the fireplace is very confusing because we are ALL born into a place of some distress and discomfort when we landed into our original family home ). Please start reading VACLAV SMIL's book for a start )
You see, we in Australia right now are the richest people on earth , but you wouldn't know it .We don't have everything we want , but we have everything we need . So what's bugging us ? Well according to the old prophet this restlessness is nothing new
but YOU don't want to hear old
YOU like to think yourself PROGRESSIVE
So let's go go to
This weeks promised trip to heaven.
Our reps have just voted to change the world by introducing a set of numbers into law 43%.They did this because they have a vision of heaven on earth, somewhere we still have to go yet before we die (like between 2030 and 2050)
Like the dystopian film Dominion and Merrill Streep remind us, we are determined to go there and bugger the cost.
The driver is a mad mindset to move ; to try and move ourselves to a place of rest . where things will still work. Maybe we just don't know how things work .
Back to Earth ( Canberra August 2022 ) The reality is that the people elected to buy the tickets so we can all go on this space ship, have absolutely no idea to how to get there. They can't even picture the place, let alone the fuel we will all use . as an eg The ignoramuses' talk of storing more ions without any idea of the very danger of ionization or the composition and decomposition of them .
Australian's are NOW set to live in empty mind spaceships of disrest .The departure lounge . Its very distressing to pretend we have found a place of rest when we haven't. To paint the walls with stats and put them into every sunday sermon . I much prefer my own church and even better the intellectual truth than both science humility and faith can provide. .
Tell me why your rest isn't in accepting the truth ; ( and why others can't rest till they accept it )
That you are a very small , but quite dangerously ignorant and arrogant part of an an amazingly big universe .
A universes, for all its frightening siz e and complexity, created your mind and gave you freedom and autonomy that only gods get.
Tell me why you shouldn't at least try to find your rest by seeking to engage with the still small voice .I Kings 19.
Your Creators work can be seen all around you . But for you , fellow noisemaker and complexity creator (Einstein said only 2 choices, as did Jung ) ,to really hear you have to stop and listen .
The paradox is that most of the world's worries would evaporate if people stopped moving and listened .
LISTEN just where you are right now .
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