Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Sometimes in a dysfunctional household-- its the parents who have the key problem

In Australia, where there are no longer agreed values/logic of respecting diversity , the loudest and noisiest get a hearing -   We still believe in listening but have no order in how its done 

And what profoundly moral subject does one get a hearing on these days  - even though many say they don't believe in morals they talk all the time as if they do
? Few faiths hold together equality of treatment and diversity of nature like the one the West is built on.

Progressives claim they have a better idea , but without evidence of what that better idea is , they clearly have no idea 
Back to the example !
Equality --That these hard done bys  are not treated equally ?
How can we treat each other equally if we bring different gifts to the table? 1Cor 12
Thankfully thinking and caring Australians are getting sick of hearing the complaining - especially when its "what we get from the table" - not what we bring to it .
Ecological responsibility is more than claiming ownership of the house - its providing for everything in it.
That simply means  we share on the basis of need and provision,- and don't just listen to the children--and others - on what they think they need.


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