It's in uncomfortable times we learn
It's in uncomfortable times, we poor have the opportunity to learn.
Iran and the enemies of Israel are threatening war , but worse and more threatening is we in the West are at war with ourselves. That reality makes us very weak indeed .
The reality is that we don't know much
--and can't do much because the process of degradation within is in train .Cynicism , lazy thinking and guilt driven reactions make us retreat from the vigilance we need to be tough and effective .
BUT We can get some benefit from truly understanding where we came from to here . Understanding that will help our children .
Two suggestions on sources of some potential objectivity .
1--Widen your conversation because old media have power interests - they
Time for you to promote and listen to new media that HOLD conversations THAT are not just into cancelling an author
2 Listen to those who have come into the fold from outside
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