Friday, September 23, 2016

A generous and wise economic policy

Jesus story of the unjust steward  is fascinating  for its going beyond the pedantries of mere accountancy and bookkeeping .
In The Masters picture , everything is a gift and there is always something more . But we are too busy making ends meet to easily see that .
Its all too much for the poor citizen of the earth to cope with?
If its any comfort its not all about money - he talks about that later .
So how in the world can this other worldy character really said to be in touch with and beyond the economic preoccupations of his audience - both then,  through thousands of years of history , and today ?
  • Hes' talking about the modern day concept of externalities . 
  • He's taking the mickey out of the pedantic pharisees who preach a pure form of accountancy still popular with many blinkered bookkeepers of our day. Put your glasses on people !
  • Hes going beyond mere accountancy to sound economic policy and activity.  
  • He's not being inconsistent about moral and economic principles --noone was hurt by the stewards action. He didn't mention the J curve,  but its implied   He didn't claim to know the way the angels work , but its implied  
  • He's giving his own followers heaps -  don't be too sentimental and ignorant about the hard stuff . He , as their  friend,  knows that they too can be too soft and sentimental about money and resources .Holding the balance requires work and --- well who likes that . What a punch that is for them though -in the guts of the generous spirit  Double wammy to question good accounting practice !?   " you need to look after your own family first and do it with all the wisdom of the true economy ( that the oil and grain are often overpriced and you can negotiate a good deal where no one gets hurt .You need to be wise stewards as well as good stewards . Wammo . 
  • He doesn't ignore the fact that much good stuff has little to do with money but explores the relations  to externalities elsewhere . For the self centred "externalities" aren't seen, so you have to ]pick your audience if you want to talk about them .  
  • Jesus is calling on his followers to be wise stewards and traders -not mere bookkeepers and at the mercy of them -- those who know very well how to rip them and the poor producers off
  • He's calling on the audience to think of the big picture and the big injustices  - where people hoard and drive up the price and make money on the deal . Where the really rich hide is on the back of the farmer and the perishable product maker. 
  • He has been calling for a unique economic deal for farmers for eons . Its unlikely these rich blokes in the story were farmers-- they just lived off their produce . The need still remains amongst capitalist economies to fully recognise the unique eco requirements of primary producers and provide for them wisely carefully and without the pedanty (all industry in not the same) , idolatry and government is just business nonsense that many modren conservatives espouse.  You simply can't support custody of the environment if you don't accept primary producers unique exposure to real risks - both arising from the earth and the market an choice environment. 
  • He's calling on the audience to think of the big picture and big injustices  - where people work hard to keep the books in order so there is some at the end for those who missed out   
  • He's calling on the audience to think of the big picture and the fact that we should hang it on the traders   - they can afford it and they too need to do good .  Vegetable traders know this problem best and God bless them when they identify with the poor producers in this. We must too so all those trying to survive in the middle east and north africa don't become fodder for war by the arms traders 

Diversity not uniformity in the way we approach each other in our respect --ive eco places  .

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